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Welcome to Hi Gopi!

Welcome to the official web site of Thagadoor Gopi also known as Gopalakrishnan.


Gopi is a software professional from India. He has worked for various software companies in the health care, financial, banking and e-Commerce based products. He has worked for a New York based consulting company on site for around 6 months. With over 15 years of technical expertise, he has a sound record of middle level management skills too.

Current Status:

Gopi is currently working with an MNC in Singapore. You can reach him at

This website:

In this website, some of the pictures can be seen under the GALLERY section. This section also contains some of the drawings and chalk piece sculpture done by Gopi.

Gopi has developed some online games that are available under the GAMES section. The tools and other utilities developed by Gopi are available for use under the TOOLS and DOWNLOADS section. These tools includes the Unicode language converters, encoding converters, Split Join utility etc. Latest news about Gopi and his tools can be found at NEWS section.

This website is being updated with new content and features, tools and useful downloads quite frequently.

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Latest News

Converters 3.2 Released

The next version of transliteration converters has been released.

New features in this release.

  • Bamini Tamil Keyboard layout added to Thagadoor Tamil Converter
  • Vaanavil Tamil Keyboard layout added to Thagadoor Tamil Converter
  • Modular Tamil Keyboard layout added to Thagadoor Tamil Converter
  • Other Minor bug fixes

Converters Link

Above converter can also be downloaded and used offline from here

I would like to thank Mr.Selva Murali for providing the requirements and detailed map and information about Modular Tamil Keyboard layout.

My sincere thanks to Mr.Suratha Yarlvaanan who guided with his ideas to bring this converter as a better tool during its initial development and also thanks to Late Mr. Sakaran who gave the web hosting space free of cost during its first year.


Converters 3.1 Released

The next version of transliteration converters has been released.

New features in this release.

  • Apple Telugu Keyboard layout added to Godhavari Telugu Converter
  • Online keypad map help is switched off by default, It can be switched on using converter options in the left side menu
  • English switching can now be done by mouse clicking on "English" Radio button.
  • You can save the selected keyboard and other settings using "Save Settings" button
  • Other Minor bug fixes

Converters Link

Above converter can also be downloaded and used offline from here

I would like to thank Mr. for providing the requirements and detailed map and information about Apple Telugu Keyboard layout.

My sincere thanks to Mr.Suratha Yarlvaanan who guided with his ideas to bring this converter as a better tool during its initial development and also thanks to Late Mr. Sakaran who gave the web hosting space free of cost during its first year.

Wish you all a very happy and prosperous Deepavali 2010.


Adhiyaman for websites 1.0

Are you the website owner/administrator of a website with various Tamil encodings (like TAB/TAM/TSCII) ? Always wondering how you can completely convert your website to Unicode Tamil? Then here is your easiest solution called "Adhiyaman for websites" a tool you can use for free.

This tool is used for converting the entire website (or a particular directory and its sub directories) which has content based on various Tamil encodings (like TAB/TAM/TSCII) to Unicode Tamil. If you are a web master or owner of a website which is based on various Tamil encodings (like TAB/TAM/TSCII) and would like to convert all your content from TAB/TAM/TSCII to Unicode Tamil, this is the tool for you. This tool need to be uploaded to your website and need to be run from there. This tool will convert the files in your web server. This is not a tool for converting your client side HTML files.

 I would like to thank Mr. Ulagan and Mr.Ira.Kumaran from World Socialist Website (http://www.wsws.org/tamil/) for giving me the idea and requirement. I would also like to thank Mr.Mugunth, Mr.Krupa Shankar, Mr. Amala Singh, Mr. Mu.Mayuran and Mr. Ka.Sethu for testing the pre-release and providing ideas and requirements for the next release of this tool.

Please spread a word about this tool to your friends who are the owner/administrators of websites with various Tamil encodings (like TAB/TAM/TSCII). If you want to report any bugs in this tool, please mail me your bug with details.

I wish all the World Tamilians a Happy Pongal and New Year


Converters popup help

You might have noticed a online key combination help popup when you use the Unicode Indic converters in this website. Due to the buggy display of online help and key map, The way it displays has been modified. Now, the online help is displayed on top of the textarea where you enable Tamil typing.  The map position also made dynamic to show just a bit below the current active scrolled window, Hence it will be visible to the user.

If you are using these converters offline or for tamil typing in any of your websites, Please download the latest ucedit.zip in the downloads section (or you can also download and overwrite the updated code from https://higopi.com/script/ucedit/common.js

HiGopi.com migrated to Joomla 1.5

01 December, 2008


The HiGopi.com website has been migrated to Joomla and have a new look and feel




After long time considering for various Web Content Management Systems available, Gopi chose Free Opensource Joomla 1.5 as the CMS for HiGopi.com. The site is currently on Joomla 1.5 and built using various Joomla modules and components including but not limited to poca_gallery, jdownloads and optimized to retain old URLs with the same name and location using SH404SEF module.


The website layout was modified from ""Blue Fairy" Joomla template provided by SiteGround.com. 


Few old script locations are migrated and provided with search engine friendly redirects. So the users using old script locations need not to change any of the code as it will be automatically redirected to the new script location there by fetching the required content without any change.


All materials provided on HiGopi.com are are licensed under GNU Free Document License.The content may be referenced (linked) without prior permission. All the other materials that are  not explicitly marked with an author's name is either owned by HiGopi.com, or copyright the respective trademark owners. 



The converters and other tools provided in HiGopi.com are licensed under GNU GPL now. Please make sure you keep the author information in the source code intact and don't violate the terms and conditions of the GNU GPL when you use,copy, re-use and/or redistribute these tools.

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